Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Tips for Sustainable Giving

Okay, some of these are a repeat from yesterday’s thought but if you are like me, sometimes it takes hearing (or reading) it a few times before it really sinks in.

Tips for Sustainable Giving

Here are some ideas for giving without taking from the planet.

It's the thought that counts, and the personal touch makes any gift more meaningful and memorable. You can give more while spending less.

Services instead of Goods

Gifts of service require little or no use of natural resources, and are very personal and memorable. The gift of You - your time, energy or expertise are as 'giftworthy' as anything you can put in a box. Massage, music lessons, childcare, car wash, dogwalk, lawncare, tutoring, cooking, gardening, a book of coupons for household chores....

Experiences to enjoy and remember
Giving the gift of an experience can bring fun, learning and memories that hold value for years. For example, tickets to a show or concert can offer lasting value with minimal impact on resources. Sports events, local attractions, rock-climbing centers, ice-rink memberships, and museum memberships are other examples. Experiences can be other than 'entertainment' - for example, a membership to a car-sharing club in your city, or a garden plot in a local community garden.

Antiques and Collectibles

Value and appeal don't always have to mean 'new and shiny'. Antiques and collectibles have the added appeal of history and sentimental value.

Personal gifts tell a story. And because they're "re-used", there's no impact on the environment.

Found Objects

We all have our little treasures, our discoveries from nature. An unusual shell, crystal, wood burl, arrowhead, bone, shark tooth..... Over time we get used to seeing them and our interest wanes. Pass them on as a gift and they'll be "rediscovered" with enthusiasm, and impart their reminder of nature's wonder once again.

Homemade is heartfelt. Your time and energy, and culinary creativity, are just as valued as that store-bought gift which they may not really even need. Your time spent in the kitchen is probably no more than the time spent gift-hunting online or at the mall. The result is most personal, and easy on the environment.

Flower Power

Gifts you can grow. Unique varieties can be raised in your small home plot, and make interesting, appealing gifts which anyone can use. Homegrown or store-bought, cut flowers or potted plants - the result is the same: eye catching, earth easy and rich with sentiment.
When buying flowers, choose from 'in season' locally grown varieties. The maintenance of greenhouses and long-distance transportation to provide summer flowers in winter can involve significant expenditures of energy, coming from fossil fuels.
(When buying potted plants, think of something that can be planted outside!)

"Used" Gifts
It's time to look at "used" in a new light.
Giving a used gift was once out of the question - it made the gift-giver feel cheap. And no one wants to risk offending the recipient. But used gifts are the kindest of all to the environment, as no energy or resources are expended.
There are some areas where used items can be appropriate as gifts, however, and the list grows with the steady accumulation of goods in our consumer society. Used computers, for example, can be refurbished and upgraded. Or consider vintage clothing, books and CD's, bikes, sports equipment, tools, cameras, children's toys and clothes. Used musical instruments are especially appropriate in this regard, as they often hold their value and appeal for a long time.
If you're still a bit uneasy with the concept, write a note on the gift card.
"We know how you love nature......this gift comes to you at no expense to the environment."

Think outside the box. Or use the box.
Not every gift has to be store-bought. A little imagination can go a long way. For example, a large cardboard box can be a lot of fun to a small child. The bigger the better. Give them markers and stickers to decorate their box creation; help them by cutting openings where they suggest.