I know death is not something that most of us like to think about but planning for it makes life so much better for those we leave behind. As this article states in the beginning, more people are thinking about continuing to protect the environment even in the way they are buried.
Natural Wood Casket

People are returning to traditional burial practices in order to protect our environment and to honor lives that have been lived with care for the planet. Many talented wood workers are joining them in taking an environmentally conscious, long-term view and working to make natural burial a real option.
Wood is the oldest material known to man makes it a natural and environmentally sound choice when selecting a casket. The warmth and textures insures each piece is unique, and being a renewable resource assures a legacy tor the next generation
Wood is also strong, beautiful, and shock-resistant. And just as no two pieces of wood are exactly the same, handcrafted timber has its own, warming identity. Choosing a wood casket also leaves a legacy for the next generation because wood is a renewable resource.
By building caskets in harmony with the natural order through responsible stewardship of the earth's resources, many wood crafters are also fulfilling a person need of finding peace.
When Richard Clarke starts to build a casket it is work. Then after time and energy it starts to come alive, and the joy of creating truly comes alive. This process goes on. Sometimes for quite a while then it stops and the piece is complete. There is joy and sadness in that moment for him.
For more information on Richard and how to build your own casket (yes, there’s information about that) see - http://www.naturallysavvy.com/naturally-green/diy-natural-wood-casket-yes-casket