Tuesday, January 6, 2015

16 No-Brainer Ways to Be Greener at Home

I’m just highlighting my favorites of this list and you can go to http://www.goodhousekeeping.com/home/green-living/daily-ways-to-go-green#slide-1 to see them all!
These everyday moves can help you waste less and save more.

By Samantha Zabell


Program Your Home's Temperature

At this point, every home should have a programmable thermostat (call up your utility provider — they might even give you one for free). Use one to lower the temperature every day 7 to 10 degrees when you're not home or at night when you sleep, and you can save up to $180 per year. For a truly techy option, try the Nest thermostat — it learns your habits to automatically adjust the temperature when you're not around.
Do Your Laundry at Night
Some electricity providers charge more during the day (when the demand for power is higher). So save by running loads of laundry and dishes after dinner instead or in the early morning.
Don't Keep the Fridge Door Open
Idly browsing your late-night snack options or leaving the door wide open while you put away groceries can cost you. As you let cold air escape, your refrigerator has to work harder to reduce its internal temperature again. This bad habit accounts for up to 7% of your fridge’s total energy use.
Don't Let the Faucet Run
Is this a familiar scene? You're craving a cold glass of water, so you let the sink faucet run for a minute, so the water can cool down. That five minutes could waste up to eight gallons of water per day, according to the EPA. Instead, keep a pitcher or reusable bottle of tap water in the fridge, ready to go.
Unload Your Trunk
Avoid storing heavy items in the back of your car unless you really need them. More than 100 pounds of stuff in your trunk can reduce fuel efficiency by 2%, which is like spending an extra 7 cents per gallon on gas.
Turn Off Your Computer
Don’t just close the screen — shut it down completely when you're done with it. This could save you $25 a year on your electric bill.
Collect Rainwater
By placing a rain barrel at the base of a downspout, rainy days will finally have a silver lining: What you collect can be used to water non-edible outdoor and indoor plants.