Pink Ipe or Purple Trumpet Tree
Tabebuia impetiginosa
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<![endif]>I saw this tree blooming just the other day (December 17, 2013) along NE 3rd Street just east of NE 3rd Avenue. We don’t have many of these trees around Fort Lauderdale and like most Tabebuia trees, they pretty much go unnoticed when not in bloom. Usually this tree is in full bloom in early spring but I guess conditions got right for it to explode into color a few months early. Yes, this is what December looks like in Fort Lauderdale!

This Tabebuia can handle a little cold weather and you may see specimens up in the Orlando area. In South Florida it will get to be around 25 feet tall and has smooth gray bark. We probably should scatter a few more around the City. We have planted some in the Riverland area but haven’t had a great deal of success in getting them to grow.
Origin – West Indies
Growth Rate – Slow
Salt Tolerance – Medium
Drought Tolerance – High
Flowering Season – normally Spring and Summer