Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Social Values of Community Trees - Calming Traffic

Calming Traffic

Trees help bring calm to traffic two ways.  One are their effects on reducing driver frustration levels, or in other words reducing the likelihood of road rage.  The other is the physical calming of traffic by incorporating trees into street design.  According to studies cited by the Colorado Tree Alliance, a treeless street enhances the perception that the street is wide and free of hazard, thereby increasing speeds and leading to more accidents.  Trees, on the  other hand, have a slowing effect by giving the perception of a narrower street.  Trees also forewarn drivers of upcoming curves, leading to slower speed and greater caution, and trees can protect bike lanes and pedestrians on sidewalks. 

 (Taken from the Tree City USA Bulletin – 2007 Annual Report.  Published by the National Arbor Day Foundation)

Gene Dempsey, City Forester
Environmental Services
Office - (954) 828-7704 Fax - (954) 828-7897

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