Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Free Showerhead Exchange

Fort Lauderdale  Utility Customers
Free Showerhead Exchange
Save Water!
Save Money!

Earth Day Every Day Event
May 12th, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Hugh Taylor Birch State Park
3109 E. Sunrise Boulevard
Park entry fee will apply.
Remember to bring:
1)    Fort Lauderdale utility bill
2)    Old showerhead

Up to two per household
Supplies are limited

The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that showers account for more than 1.2 trillion gallons each year--about one-sixth of all the water used in U.S. residences for bathing. Before 1994, showerheads typically had a flow rate of 5 ½ gallons per minute (gpm). Since then, the EPA has limited showerheads to 2 ½ gpm to conserve not only water, but fuel for the water heater. Models carrying a "water saving" designation have even lower flow rates.

The showerheads that are available through this exchange are rated at 2 gpm and

·        Saves money by ensuring up to 20% lower water usage than traditional "low-flow" showerheads currently on the market
·        Reduced water usage also reduces cost for heating water
·        Patented pressure-compensating technology guarantees a feeling of great force while using less water, consistent flow rate regardless of water pressure
·        Three showerhead spray settings: needle, massage, combination
·        Corrosion-resistant high-impact ABS thermoplastic body, maintenance-free, 10-year warranty

Gene Dempsey, City Forester
Environmental Services
Office - (954) 828-7704 Fax - (954) 828-7897

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