Spanish Stopper
Eugenia foetida

The Spanish Stopper is a wonderful native small tree or large shrub. Spanish Stopper typically grows to 15 feet high. The growth habit is columnar and it has small leaves in that grow in a tight formation. The flowers are fragrant and the tree is salt-tolerance. Spanish Stopper will grow in part-shade to full-sun. ( ). In Fort Lauderdale, you will find them planted in the medians of the Gateway intersection (Sunrise Blvd and North Federal).
Traditional remedy or use: Wood of this genus was used for bows and various items. Used to treat colds, and diarrhea (hence the name ‘stopper’). Mixed with Bourreria ovata as an energy booster. Commonly used as an aphrodisiac and to enhance virility and as a tonic for bathing. Modern remedy or use: Used in Caribbean countries as roof rafters and animal traps. Being studied for its antioxidant properties. ( )
Growth Rate – Medium
Salt Tolerance – High
Drought Tolerance – High
Great for birds and butterflies
Gene Dempsey, City Forester
Environmental Services
Office - (954) 828-7704 Fax - (954) 828-7897
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