Saving pollinators - where to begin?
With the White House's pollinator strategy released earlier this week, the nation is buzzing about saving our pollinators. The 64-page document makes it clear that there's no quick fix, no easy solution. It calls for much work to be done, from research into reasons behind record honey bee losses to a massive educational campaign and restoration of vast natural land holdings. Where to start? The question can make your head spin. After reading the strategy, I walked into my wildflower garden for a breather, and I saw where we must begin. The answer is "at home." The life my native garden has brought to my landscape is utterly amazing. Where I once had only St. Augustine grass and two fruit trees now grow at least 25 species of native wildflowers and plants. Bees - both native and honey - buzz among flowers, beetles cling to swaying stems, and butterflies flutter on soft breezes. Birds poke the leaf litter for snails and bugs, and a kaleidoscope of colorful flowers catches the sun's rays. Just recently, I videoed a busy little bee dive head-first into the blossom of a prickly pear cactus that magically popped up in my yard. It was like watching a kid explore a candy store for the first time. If pollinators are to thrive, each of us must do our part by supporting them with the plants they evolved with and depend on. And we're here to help, whether you're looking for the best plant for your yard, searching for a native nursery, or in need of a simple landscape plan. If you've already started your native plant effort, why not call attention to your landscape by having it recognized? Let the world know you're changing things for the better! If you don't already, I hope you soon know the joy of walking into your landscape and being amazed by the wildlife activity you find after adding Florida's original flowers, plants and grasses. It's true: If you plant it, they WILL come.  Lisa Roberts Executive Director
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